Kind Yoga Teacher Training Application

Please fill out the fields to the right.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Phone (required)

Street Address (required)

City, State and Zip Code (required)

How did you find out about Kind Yoga Teacher Training? (if magazine or friend, please mention name)

How long have you been practicing yoga? If you are a newer student of yoga, a sincere willingness to learn is all that is required to apply.

Why do you want to be certified as a yoga teacher at this time in your life?

What personal strengths do you bring to the Yoga Teacher Training?

What does yoga mean in your life?

Although much Yoga practiced in studios in the US often focuses on the physical postures as a form of exercise, are you aware of the other aspects of Yoga Study including meditation, philosophy, attitude, and breathing practices which this training will also be including?

Please list other yoga teachers and styles that you may have studied with: Teacher’s name/ Yoga style/ Location and studio name/ Frequency of study