Sea Glass and Pearls:
Kind Restorative Breathing

Seaglass and Pearls: sharp shards tumbled by the power of the ocean into beautiful gems, pearls beginning as an irritation for the Oyster, surrounded and smoothed round. Join me for Kind Restorative Breathing which has the potential to do the same for you using breathing practices, kindness meditation, and deep relaxation. Tensions on many levels can be released or helped to be made into gems.

Discover and experience kind restorative breathing as a powerful tool for healing tension in the body and mind. The practice you will learn is based on connected Dirgha (complete) Breathing joined with mindful intentions and deep relaxation.  Many people feel more energized, centered and lighter about their journey in life after their first session. A restorative session of breathing helps you to release stress and awaken to your true self.

During this series you will learn to:
-Release mental stress & physical tension
-Cultivate mindfulness
-Strengthen the Seven Chakras
-Develop resiliency tools

Kind Restorative Breathing – call diane (508) 776-1990 about individual sessions or upcoming classes