Kind Yoga &
Mindfulness Teacher Certification and Training
Kind yoga has always been inclusive, and socially active, people of many colors, backgrounds and orientations have completed our programs and have taught us so much. Yoga means union and the practice of yogic principles helps people to connect to their true self and inner peace. One of yoga’s core ethics is ‘Ahimsa’, ‘non-harm’ to practice non-violence to all beings, to be aware of how our behavior affects the world around us, and to live our lives with compassion.
Become a Certified Yoga Teacher
Kind Yoga Teacher – 200 hour certification and training is on pause, and will be starting at some point in 2025 at Centerville Yoga
The next sessions of 500 hour Kind Yoga teacher training:
Next “Mindfulness & Meditation 75” begins June, 2025. SIGN UP HERE
“Sustainable Yoga 75” begins June 2025
Yoga Alliance registered 200 and 500 hr. training available yearly.
“Completing the Kind Yoga teacher training program was one of the best things I’ve ever done!” – Deborah Hoxie
Take a trip to Costa Rica with a calm warrior flow!
“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” ~ R.W. Emerson
Good Night Yoga – By Diane Kovanda and Adam Gamble.
For $9.95 you can buy your copy today!
Payments for other classes and sessions click here
The next Kind Yoga Mindfulness and Meditation Training series begins 2025. Mindfulness and Meditation training evokes a profound renewal of body, mind and spirit. This training draws on universal principles of mindfulness and meditation from various disciplines. The training includes meditation practices from many traditions, creating a comprehensive approach to living a mindful life in harmony.
Kind Yoga Teacher Training – Kind Yoga created the first Cape Cod based, Yoga Alliance Registered 200 and 500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training. We have trained highly successful Yoga teachers who teach both locally and nationally. While many take our five month training to become certified to teach Hatha yoga, others take the training to deepen their own yoga practice. Regardless of whether you plan to teach, you will receive valuable experience and insights that you will find immediately relevant in your personal life. Immerse yourself in a deep experience of yoga, and be with a friendly community of folks committed to learning more about yoga. Our intention is to assist you in finding your own path and your own truth. Yoga is a lifetime study, we trust you will receive the proper foundation for your journey here. Click here to find out more about our 200 and 500 hour programs.
Next 200 hr. training is on a rotating schedule, please contact us: Centerville Yoga at Bell Tower Mall, Rt. 28, Centerville, MA
Call Diane for more info: 508-776-1990
Click Here To Sign Up for the next 200 hour!
Schedule a FREE Introductory session with Diane or one of our teachers to answer your questions, Centerville Yoga. We’ll answer any questions you may have about the Teacher Training. Diane created this video on Yoga with Kind Yoga grads, teachers, and friends – check us out here
At Kind Yoga School we are honored to have graduated over 300 students. Our graduates are making a difference in the community and all over the world! See what they are up to now.
Note from Kind Yoga Grad and Yoga Teacher:
Heidi Champagne -“I love my work! To watch students become more comfortable in their bodies, to witness stress as it melts into bliss, to feel the love I send out reflected in students’ faces…just incredible! Today and every day I feel such gratitude to my teacher Diane Kovanda for bringing us Kind yoga and for teaching me to use and live my yoga.”
Kind Restorative Breathing – We have special classes and training in Kind Restorative Breathing – Restorative Breathing is a profound tool for healing tension on all levels of being. The practice is based in connected Dirgha (complete) breathing, coupled with mindful intentions and deep relaxation. A restorative session of breathing and relaxing helps you to release stress and awaken to your true self. Many people feel more centered, energized and lighter about their journey in life after their 1st session. Try a brief sample session here. Relax in a quiet place and breathe.
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to Kind Yoga events and newsletters
Kind Yoga offers a variety of Programs:
Wild and Wise Women: Let your Yoga Dance celebration! At Kripalu Yoga Center, MA
The Calm Warrior Training Inc. provides criminal justice professionals with stress reduction and decompression tactics. We work with other organizations also – please contact Diane for more information.
Kind Retreats: One day or Weekend Kind Yoga, Mindfulness, or Kindness Meditation retreats for your group or organization on Cape Cod. 508-776-1990
The best gift you can give yourself or a friend – Calm Warrior: A Stress Management and Core Resilience Retreat, for everyone. Discover powerful, practical tools that help you effectively decompress, process, and engage with your life in a new way. In this informative and fun weekend, you learn how to
- Deal effectively with on-the-job stress and the stress you bring home
- Slow down emotionally, physically, and mentally
- Recharge body and mind using mindfulness, breath, and yoga
- Weave practical relaxation techniques into your workday.
- Take home mindful tools to revitalize and serve you throughout your life.
Read Diane’s articles in Cape Women Online, yoga and the Beehive, Taking time, Mermaid Yoga, 3 Things I learned From My Mother, 3 yoga poses, Calmer Choice
Kind Yoga in the Neighborhood at Cotuit Arts Center: Audio of Deep Relaxation Yoga Nidra
Kind Yoga In the News: