The Kind Yoga 500 Hour Certification is designed for yoga teachers already certified at the 200-hour level. The 500 hour certification entails 300 additional hours beyond your 200 hour certification. Kind Yoga is a Yoga Alliance Registered School.Kind Yoga Teacher Training Certification 500 Hours
This advanced training is designed to encourage your personal yoga practice as well as improve your skills in teaching. This training is accessible to teachers of all ages, body types, and yoga backgrounds. The Kind Yoga School provides its students with many opportunities to learn and teach Hatha Yoga in a supportive environment – both the theory and the practice of asana (poses), pranayama (yogic breathing), mindfulness and meditation. At the foundation, our underlying emphasis is on the eight limbed system explored in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. We create a learning community of peers to study with.
The curriculum is offered over the course of 3-4 years, in four 75 hour modules to allow integration of the information and learning into your own practice and teaching. These modules can be taken in any order. Each module provides 75 hours of instruction and some self study, it is designed to advance your practice, teaching skills, and repertoire. spring, 2 modules are offered: Module 1 ~ Mindfulness and Meditation June 2024 and Module 3: Sustainable Yoga and Community – Making a transformational difference in your world – You may choose to take one or both. They will take place alternate Wednesday evenings and complement each other if you choose to take both (Modules don’t need to be sequential, they are not “levels”, Kind Yoga Teacher Training is easy to fit into your busy life and teaching schedule – some modules can be taken one or 2 at a time – The 500 KYS training takes approx. 3-4 years to complete – this is designed so you can truly digest and integrate your learning and get personally mentored along the way.
Here is an interview with one of our guest Teachers –.Megha Nancy Butttenheim.
The modules are listed below:
“The best training I have ever attended. I have attended a lot of programs for my CEUs and personal growth, educational needs. BUT this Program and the Teacher will touch your Mind, Body & Spirit like no other. This Program and the techniques Diane utilizes as she teaches creates a shift from within each individual. Your journey is about to go on a path you can not miss. The experience and education you will leave with, will be with your for the rest of your life, and you will share this with all you meet from that moment on. What a life learning shift to gift yourself. Do not let the class title keep you from this experience waiting for you. If you never teach yoga,( and who is to say you never will ?) what you learn about YOURSELF in this program is life shifting…..” Kathleen Viola. May your Journey begin here.
Kind Yoga 500 Professional Certification 4 Modules:
NOW *Module One: An immersion into the practices of Mindfulness and Meditation – Next series begins June 2024– Deepen your practice and learn to teach Mindfulness, Meditation and Pranayama. Book: Luminous Mind: Meditation and Mind Fitness”, J. & M. Levey
2nd part of this module is Mindfulness and Meditation teacher training Offered 2 Wednesday eves per month. Mentoring offered. The mindfulness and meditation training is also open to students as a stand alone certification. (Permission of instructor necessary, with a regular mindfulness practice.) Includes Mindfulness and Meditation Manual. Dates: TBA
Module Two: Yoga Journey to your Authentic Self: Free your Authentic self in your yoga practice and teaching – June 2026 Taking your teaching to the next level. You will have the opportunity to explore more freedom around your own style of teaching. You will receive personal coaching and constructive guidance on your teaching of yoga. The use of journaling and diving deeply into the eight limbed path will accompany you on this compassionate journey of radical self discovery. Your results will be authentic and genuine yoga teaching – connecting with your students and your own yoga practice. We take a break in August and start up again Alt. Wed. eves Sept. (books: Yoga Sequencing – Mark Stephens, The Great Work of Your Life – Stephen Cope)
Module Three: Sustainable Yoga and Community – Making a transformational difference in your world – June 2024 Sustainable Kind Yoga – yoga as part of the world, the practice of kindness and compassion, caring for yourself and the environment, mindful eating, living with compassion for all beings, your walk exemplifies your yoga. We will also be refining, reviewing and deepening our understanding and application of certain yoga postures.
Module Four: (Will be Offered in June 2, 2025, Exploring the Luminous Energy Body: Koshas, Chakras, Pranayama
The Kind Yoga 500 Hour Certification is designed for yoga teachers already certified at the 200-hour level. The 500 hour certification entails 300 additional hours beyond your 200 hour certification.
The curriculum is offered over the course of three or four years, in four 75 hour modules to allow integration of the information and learning into your own practice and teaching. These modules can be taken in any order, as they are offered. Each module provides 75 hours of class/mentoring and individual practice and is designed to advance your practice, teaching skills, and repertoire. Each spring, 2 modules will be offered: 1 ~Mindfulness and Meditation each year, and module 2, 3, or 4. You may choose to take one or both. Classes will take place Wednesday evenings beginning each June
*if you would like a faster track and complete the 500 sooner, you may take 2 modules this year, (the timing is every Wednesday evening). Contact Diane. 508-776-1990 Mid Cape Location for all classes
Tear off and register for 500 Hour Kind Yoga Teacher Training:
Name ______________________________________ email _________________________________________
Phone Number __________________ Address ____________________City______________Zip____________
Name of 200 Hour Training you have completed__________________________________________________
offered this year Module 1 Mindfulness and Meditation Practices ______ and alternate wed. module above ____
Make Check payable to Kind Yoga, send to 359 Main Street, Centerville, MA 02632
Most commonly asked questions:
1.Can I take only one module without doing the whole program? yes – if you are looking to increase your learning and practice, even one module will be valuable to you.
2.Can a yoga teacher who graduated from another 200hr. school come and take the 500 with Kind Yoga? Yes.
3.Can I pay as I go? yes, we can work out a payment plan.
4.Can I take the modules in any order? yes
5.Why take the 500? It gives you the practice, mentoring, further knowledge, and community connection with your peers.
6. Can I use a combination of other yoga classes and trainings to count toward my 500 Yoga Alliance Registration? No, this is not possible, as Yoga Alliance requires that one school creates and delivers the 300hour curriculum.
7. Will I have fun? YES!